Customer Service Training

The advice Jeannie brought to my boutique retail business was invaluable. Her attention to my customers’ in-store experience opened my eyes to many more possibilities I had never considered.
-Elle Boutique
Retail Employee Etiquette
Gain the competitive advantage through outstanding customer service. Set your business apart by providing customized training in retail etiquette for your staff.
Based on the Disney Institute Business Excellence Program, VIP Protocol customer service training will give your staff the skills to think on their feet and extend your brand through to a memorable customer experiences. Your clients will feel valued and appreciated, will want to return, AND speak highly of their experience to others. training
Exemplary Customer Service:
Representing the BRAND
What you wear matters
Addressing client hypersensitivity
First Class Telephone Etiquette*
Taking and making appointments
Using a confident and re-assuring tone of voice
Talking too fast-talking too slow
Vocabulary that exudes ‘graciousness’
Meeting and greeting clients/customers
Addressing clients
Gestures to avoid
Escorting clients through the show room
Client meeting protocols
Staff relations
Handling the difficult client
Scripts on how to say everything ”nicely”
First Class Telephone Etiquette:
Saying your company’s name with pride and clarity
Scripts for the perfect telephone greeting
Placing the client on hold
Taking and making appointments
Listening with a smile
Speed of speech
Voice mail recordings
Handling the upset client
All VIP Protocol workshops and seminars are very interactive and of course include role playing, practice and laughter.
VIP Protocol offers staff meeting, full or half-day customized workshops on Outstanding Customer Service.
Combine elements of Outstanding Customer Service with The Polished Professional, Women in Leadership, and Office Bootcamp in VIP Protocol's newly developed Signature Program: Creating a Gracious Service Culture.
All VIP Protocol corporate workshops and services are 100% tax deductible.