The Polished Professional

Throughout the seminar, Jeannie provided the audience with tools and insights to help them effectively make small talk while participating in professional networking events as well as how to nail their next job interview with ease and confidence using the power of small talk.
- Elena Chernaeva,
Project Coordinator, ERIEC
In order to be successful in today's competitive business world, one needs to project a polished, confident and professional image.
In a relaxed atmosphere, learn how to navigate client lunches and dinners, nail the networking event, master the art of small talk and stand out with confidence in all business and social settings.
Our business etiquette training is tailored to meet the specific needs of each client and is designed to have an immediate impact. The Polished Professional is perfect for lawyers, accountants, realtors, engineers, and people in business in every line of work.

Fail-proof formulas for the networking event
Nailing the networking event
Making an entrance and working the room
The client lunch, dinner and entertaining
Being a great host and guest
Presentation and speech preparation
Public speaking coaching
Basic international cultural etiquette
The Polished Professional optional topics:
First impressions count
Business dress codes
Handshaking: the ultimate greeting
Introductions: formal and informal
Speaking clearly and with great diction
Telephone and voicemail tips
Electronic communication etiquette
The art of the business card exchange
Essential Business meeting protocols
Conversation skills and 'small talk'
The Polished Professional Program is available for individual executive coaching, full or half-day corporate seminars.
Combine elements of The Polished Professional with Women in Leadership, Office Bootcamp, and Outstanding Customer Service in VIP Protocol's newly developed Signature Program: Creating a Gracious Service Culture
VIP Protocol's signature program 'The Polished Professional' is designed to help organizations and individuals gain the competitive advantage in the business arena.
All VIP Protocol corporate workshops and services are 100% tax deductible.