Family Before Instagram: Sharing your Big Nuptial News?

We are all in such a hurry to use social media to have an instant ‘sharing moment’ when we have exciting news. If you are thinking of posting your big news on Facebook, Instagram before telling the VIPs in your life, think again.
Here is a list of the proper protocol of sharing your nuptial news.
1. Tell your parents first, in person if you can!
This is a great time to have a discussion regarding who you would like your parents to tell about your news. If you don’t want them to tell your siblings, because you want the moment to share with them, then politely tell your parents what your wishes are. Let them know when they can tell all their friends, so Grandma doesn’t hear about your news before you tell her.
2. Then inform your siblings.
Again be sure to to give them a timeline when they can tell their friends.
3. Grandparents or close relatives are next.
4. Tell your peripheral friends.
You may have already told your BFF’s and sworn them to secrecy, but it is now in the timeline that you can tell those semi-immediate and peripheral friends.
5. Then let it rip on social media.
Including a photo of your new bling if you wish, and of course including a picture of the two of you. If you have an idea for a date of your big day, you might include that on your Facebook as well. This will eliminate people getting in touch to ask when you are planning to tie the knot.
Be ready for a deluge of phone calls and well wish postings on your Facebook. A few days later, be sure to post a thank you to everyone for their congratulatory and loving wishes.