12 things you need to know about your office party

1. Under no circumstance, should you post any pictures of your co-workers at the office party without the permission of those involved. This can lead to some very uncomfortable situations for all, including you!
2. At the office party that takes place during the working hours, maintain your workplace dress code and add one festive accessory such as suspenders, jewelry or sparkly shoes. At all costs, no matter how much you love it, save the blinking reindeer sweater for your Christmas Eve family gathering or that sexy sequin number for New Year’s Eve.
3. If it’s pot luck, sign up to bring something! Don’t come empty handed.
4. Staff gift exchange: get involved! Bring a gift that would be welcomed by any one who receives it. Don’t be a scrooge, stay at the price point. If the gift is set at ten dollars, go over the price rather than under.
5. Regarding what you say and do at the office party. If your grandma wouldn’t approve, don’t say it or do it!
6. Be sure to talk to your boss(s); wish them a happy holiday or Merry Christmas and perhaps ask them about their Christmas plans, family etc. Be sure not to monopolize their time as others will want some well-wishing time.
7. It’s been a long year right? So let’s party! The big time parting should not be happening at the office where your boss is present. One or two drinks should be the max. Remember you are still at work and everyday at work is an interview for a promotion. You want to hold your head high when you are back at work the next day.
8. Promote face time not screen time. When you get to the office party, your techno gadgets should not be visible and of course in silent mode.
9. Try not to be the last to arrive or the first to leave.
10. Be prepared to stay and help the organizers clean up. They want to get home for the holiday just as much as you do. They will remember your generosity of you time.
11. Send a thank you note to the organizers. This act of gratitude will generate goodwill and appreciation.
12. Make sure to have some fun!
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